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وقيمتها 24 ألف جنيهاً مصرياً


Evacuated tubes solar heater 

2022 – 2023


Supervised by:

أ.د. أيمن بكرى

د. رولا عفيفى


Enhancing the performance of the evacuated tubes solar air heaters


عبد الرحمن الأباصيرى

أحمد وجيه الخطيب

أحمد رضا خليل

مروان ماهر السيد محمد



Sun is thus described as a gift by God so that humanity can benefit from it. Solar energy is seen as suitable for saving energy sources and developing countries which can be relied on in this project where some experiments prove that solar air heaters can provide high thermal performance in heating systems. Integrated parabolic concentrators will be used to increase the performance of evacuated tube solar air heaters by designing and fitting concentrators under the evacuated tubes. Aim: Increasing the temperature of the air coming out of the evacuated tubes, obtaining an appropriate amount of air and a suitable temperature for grain silos, and heating homes with renewable energy.


 Final Book     Word                Pdf             Presentation



Integrated parabolic concentrators with evacuated tubes solar collectors for high temperature air heater


أحمد أشرف عبد المحسن 

أحمد باسم سمير

محمد رضا إبراهيم

محمد خالد خميس



This project provides an introductory overview of the topic, encompassing various types of solar energies with a particular focus on solar energy for air heating purposes. It includes a comprehensive examination of solar air heaters, their definition, historical context, and different types. The project delves into the theoretical analysis and design of a parabolic trough, exploring the components employed in our project. Additionally, it investigates the impact of solar energy on air through the utilization of various additives and methods. Finally, the project concludes by presenting potential future recommendations and suggestions.


 Final Book     Word                Pdf             Presentation





Definition of solar air heater

History of solar air heater

Types of solar air heater

Evacuated tubes solar heater

High temperature air flow